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Notice Bids for Hay Creek Road


 Town of Hiles

Wood County


This notice is hereby given that the Town of Hiles is accepting the following bids.


Bids to be mailed to the Town Clerk (9903 County Rd E S, Pittsville, WI 54466) and will be opened at the Regular Monthly Meeting, June 15, 2022, 6:00 pm at the Hiles Town Hall (11018 County Rd V, Pittsville, WI 54466). Proof of insurance is to be included with all bids. The board has the right to accept or reject any and or all bids. Residence request delivery will correspond with township delivery.


·         Blacktopping – 1/2 mile of Hay Creek Road from where blacktop currently ends to Township line.

o   Provide traffic control signing and flagging as needed for our operations.

o   Fine grade, water, and compact the base course material.

o   Pave with WisDOT Spec. Type MT 58-28S asphalt mix compacted to an average thickness of 3 inches in two lifts.

o   Road is 22 feet wide, 10 foot per lane and 1 foot shoulder on each side.



Any questions contact Tom Gardner at  715-572-0703


Bids Notice posted on Thursday, May 26th at: Hiles Town Hall 11018 County Rd V and  Pittsville Record



Kimm Wojtalewicz, Town Clerk